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Nordamia Rahimi
May 23, 2023
Unveiling the Anessa x Doraemon Collaboration: Where There is Sunshine, There is Sunscreen
by Nordamia Rahimi One thing I’ve noticed about Malaysian weather is that it’s one of the few things locals have just accepted. Whether...

Liz Teoh
May 12, 2023
The Preparation
by Liz Teoh (Employee of The Year, Awarded by Esther) Let me explain how this ‘Employee of The Year’ came about. Even if you are not...

Liz Teoh
May 12, 2023
A Campaign that is Similar, but Different
By Liz Teoh Hello! This is Liz from Circuit Communications =). This is how I would usually introduce myself to the media or even to our...

Esther Koh
May 12, 2023
Sizzling March but It Fared Well
By Esther Koh (Also a Youtuber). Hello semua, I am Esther and I am a PR practitioner cum part-time YouTuber, as how my boss likes to...
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